October 29th, 2011 marked the first of our ‘Paniolo Talk Story’ nights at the Paniolo Heritage Center at Pukalani Stables. Whenever you launch a new program you can’t help but wonder if the community will embrace it. All doubts were put to rest last Saturday night when it was standing-room only for our ‘Chicken Skin’ Ghost Stories. Our hostess, Ku’ulei Keakealani, offered an outstanding evening of authentic paniolo culture and spine-tingling thrills! Our sincere thanks to Ms. Keakealani and her entire ohana for bringing together a night of great stories, fantastic music and strong community fellowship. This is what Paniolo Talk Story is all about and it’s just the beginning. Stay tuned for more Paniolo Talk Story Nights coming soon in 2012!

Lalawai kakou, E hana Kaiaulu:  We are successful, because we work together.  

Our Warmest Mahalo to our Partners & Sponsors who helped make this event possible:

Hawaii Community Foundation: Richard Smart Fund, University of Hawai’i Hilo: NHERC Heritage Center, Parker Ranch, KTA SuperStores, Waimea Middle Public Conversion Charter School, Starbucks-Waimea, Waimea Education Hui, Kamuela Liquor Store, Kanu o ka ‘Aina Charter School, Parker Ranch Center & Big Island Power.

A special thanks goes out to our all-volunteer PPS Board Members who keep the mission of Paniolo Preservation Society alive and moving forward: Peter Baldwin, Dr. Billy & Patricia Bergin, David Carswell, Kathy Clarke, Patti Cook, Gary Davis, Donald G. DeSilva, the Honorable James Duffy, Chris English, Robby Hind, Alvin Kawamoto, Sonny Keakealani, Dr. Peter Mills, Dr. Momi Naughton, Lakme Nishie, Charlie Onaka, Alex Penovaroff, Freddy Rice, Dr. Tim Richards, Riley Smith, Pono von Holt, Keawe Vredenburg, William T. White III and mahalo to Paniolo Heritage Center Executive Director: Anthony Roberts.

And to our Special Friends who are always there when we need them: Penny Keli’i Vredenburg, Nancy Erger & Kiki Kihoi.

And finally, mahalo to all those who attended our first Talk Story night and made it such an amazing evening.  See you on January 14th, 2012 for our next Paniolo Talk Story – rumor has it that it will feature ‘Paniolo Grindz’ – Mmm, mmm good! More details coming soon! Aloha and a hui hou!

For more pictures of our first Paniolo Talk Story Night check out photographer Ethan Tweedie’s photographs at https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150351802701939.346704.340905756938&type=3